Lithuanian photographer Andrius Burba captures minimalist


Lithuanian photographer Andrius Burba captures minimalist

Découvrez ci-dessous les photos et la vidéo backstage du projet Under-Cats ! Andrius Burba Photography The project, called (Cats) Turned 180° , was accomplished by putting cats on a glass table. It shows a side of the cute felines that is rarely seen on camera. Andrius Burba combined his two passions — cats and photography — into an amazing photo series created at the International Cat Show of Vilnius, Lithuania. But instead of capturing cats in traditional poses, Burba reveals them from a new perspective! In his Under-Cats project, Burba had fun photographing cats from below through a glass plate.

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Jan 26, 2016 - Andrius Burba is a talented fashion and advertising photographer based in Vilnius, Lithuania. He has visited the international Cat show. Underlook. 33,556 likes · 22 talking about this. Embarrassing pets since 2016. Andrius Burba, 24, While cats were one of the first animals Mr Burba photographed from underneath, he has since progressed to shooting fluffy rabbits, dogs and even horses.

Просто милые котики, просто вид снизу и черный фон. 10 Oct 2017 Lithuanian photographer Andrius Burba captures animals from a most unique perspective…the underside! Known for his Under-Cats photos,  Lithuanian photographer Andrius Burba captures minimalist shots of cats, dogs, horses and other animals.

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It was on a simple table at home. I saw how paws of the kitten looked like and I got interested. I tried to make my own version. We’ve seen the Under-cats, but now it’s the dog lovers’ turn!The actual project, Under-dogs, was photographed a year ago.

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Andrius burba cats

Where are those hiding places, then? It dwells in dogs, and horses, and in cats! -- Vs. #cat #.

But visually, there is something intrinsically fascinating and beautiful about them. Especially, as photographer Andrius Burba discovered, when photographing them from underneath. The Underlook project started several 2017-03-13 · Andrius Burba/Underlook When I first heard about photographer Andrius Burba’s Under-Cats project, I lost my mind.
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Andrius burba cats

So, during the 2015 International Cat Show in Lithuania, he set up a special photo booth to capture some truly stunning images.

The Lithuanian artist is known for  14 May 2020 Andrius Burba, a creative photographer from Lithuania, is working on an unusual project.
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2019-03-23 · You can see more from the Underlook series on Burba’s website, and purchase prints and other merchandise via his online shop. Photographer Andrius Burba showcases the adorable underbellies of cats in a series of striking portraits. Aptly titled Under-Cats, each furry subject was placed on a glass surface and shot from below. See the whole Under-Cats-Colour photo gallery of cats photographed from underneath on a glass by Underlook in colourful backgrounds, photographer Andrius Burba from Lithuania. But Andrius Burba created Under-cats, a series of photos shot from underneath a kitty. One feline after the other was placed on a glass table, so that we would could see them from a new angle.

Collage of Julie - For licensing and commission requests: info{at

This time, he decided to give it a shot with something less fluffy and cuddly – bicycles. 02/01/2018.

Han har även fotograferat kaniner, katter och hästar underifrån i projekten Under-cats, Under-rabbits  LeeAnn SutphinCats Where It's At!!! Originaire de Lituanie, Andrius Burba est un photographe très talentueux qui s'amuse à prendre des clichés uniques de  By Andrius Burba. UnderlookUnder-Dogs · Hope is deceiving, - he said. Where are those hiding places, then? It dwells in dogs, and horses, and in cats! -- Vs.