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IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook 9.2.1 user help. Welcome to the IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook ® documentation, where you can find information about how to use IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook in your investigations. Getting started “Analyst's Notebook data” on page 7 To build up a full picture of an investigation, Analyst's Notebook can access data from a Upon completion of the i2 Analyst’s Notebook Basic course, students will be able to: Understand link analysis and create i2 products. The course focuses on the Analyst developing an understanding of the programs interface and tools, methodology in constructing manual charts.

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This repository contains example code, documentation, and discussion about customizing i2 Analyze.

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Exercises in this course are presented using the following elements: Guided Exercises. Raw data is provided and students are guided through the process to solve the scenarios with detailed IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook Essentials course provides the skills required to use i2 Analyst's Notebook as a tool in the analytical role the Analyst resides. Complete Customization of IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook training’s course content is possible for Individual student and for Corporate.

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Based on feedback of the original courses, Arrow have created courses suited to all current software versions, whilst ensuring the content is relevant and up-to-date. One way to do this is to provide specialized training programs that deal directly with job related topics for the fraud unit.

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Import and export data into an iBase database. Estimated i2 Analyst’s Notebook Essentials Training Schedule. Note: Course speed will vary depending on individual’s computer skills, willingness and prior knowledge.